Nora Stephens' Funeral
Funeral service is at West Herts Crematorium on Monday 5th September 2022 at 12:40 pm. The family invites all mourners who wish to join them back to the Leverstock Green Cricket club for afternoon tea, coffee, finger buffet, cakes and a pay bar. For those who attended Nora and Mark's wedding in May 1988 it is more or less opposite Holy Trinity Church where they tied the knot. There is some limited parking on site plus Church Road, a car park in the church if not in use and next to the library by the village shops.
5th September 2022 at 12:40 pm
West Herts Crematorium
High Elms Lane
WD25 0JS
Family flowers only please.
The family would appreciate it if you would like to donate to one of the three charities Nora nominated towards the end of her life in lieu of a floral tribute. Nora was very grateful to the NHS for help she received, which with her own inward determination, bravery undoubtedly helped her to survive beyond consultant's expectations, working until Jan 2022. Nora was determined to die at home in her own bed, helped by the Rennie Grove Hospice at Home nurses & carers.